Sunday, September 21, 2008

i don't talk to myself! (much)

"those 3 words
are said too much
they're not enough."

ugh this feeling sucks.
the worse thing is that i know it's not true, that i'm not as ______ as it keeps telling me.
horrible insecurity, be gone.

and i thought i'd overcome it already but like what jingying said it doesn't completely go away just yet.
so i'm gonna keep on.
it's so near, it's near.

dear felicia,
please remember to never give up. always remember who you are to Him, not so much to people around you.
remember the dreams, and move with faith.
remember to drink more water in this humid weather.
remember to hold your concerts nightly in your room, the fans and dustmites are always waiting.
remember to pack my bags for my trip.
remember to bring my passport with me.
remember to not try and pluck marquis' fur to bring with you overseas. he just might get pissed.
remember to tell dad that you won't be home on tues night.
remember to alter the clothes so that they actually fit me.
remember to bake rainbow cupcakes for my family, friends and cg to show my love for their stomachs.
remember to remember!
and last thing, remember to throw the box of food beside you now unless you really want tiny 6-legged friends for company.


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