i like the pictures.
would be nice to keep a scrapbook like that.
i need to learn how to keep stuff going.
even my organizer is only half-used because i only use it when i remember to.
is it just me or do the recent festivities of the seasons seem.. duller?
like with CNY approaching, i don't feel as excited as i should.
suddenly it ain't sucha big deal to me.
life's changed, priorities too.
CHC's new building, now that's a thrill.
is this what it means to grow up?
that sometimes in the process, you lose the novelty?
maybe's that's why some grown-ups don't shout or jump as much no more..
unless you're in a heinkein ad. hah
i'm 19, one more year b4 i lose my 'teen' years.
i don't feel 19.
how are 19 year olds supposed to feel anyway?
i don't really wanna grow up.
growing up means bills and career and politics and taxes and what not.
i will then know the real world.
but the world is cruel.
i know.
i'm glad to have God with me.
'and yea, though i walk through the valley of death
i shall fear no evil'