Friday, May 23, 2008

so i haven't been blogging here,
doesn't been i haven't been blogging else where...





(i'm gonna advertise my wordpress/school assignment blog here hehe)






check out! :D
it's the best damn thing your eyes have ever seen.

okay not the beeeest, but still good LAH
i'm high right now, i think my maid slipped coke into my drink, and gosh when i'm high the whole world seems to be suchhh a nicer place than the world i live in normally.
strangers will smile to me when i pass them on the streets..
okay prolly cors i'm humming away and smiling up at them too.


life's been fab recently.
the only way it can get better is if i can pass my art lol
maybe complete my shopping list
maybe if i can watch ironman.

other than that,
i'm real contented.

'kayyy well gtg i'm going for cgd soon yay!

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