As i go through life right now,
so many things that are happening, so many things that life is throwing at me.
so many til' i just want to crack.
and just when i'm about to cave in,
i remember about the most important thing i can do;
Prayer is a privilege given to us. it's our only means of communication to our Heavenly Father, the time where we are in fellowship with Him, the time when we go to Him for help, the time when we just need a friend to share our burdens with.
I remember when i first started regularly attending church again, we would have prayer focus and prayer conferences weekly. i wasn't used to praying aloud or praying in a group. boy, it really used to scare me. i must admit, i used to dread going for these prayer meetings but at the same time i didn't want to miss any praying session. what was i so afraid of? myself. i was afraid that i may say the wrong things and that people may laugh. or that my prayer wasn't as strong and powerful as my friend's. i was afraid to make mistakes, i was so afraid that it hindered me from expressing my true self, the things that i'd wanted to say in my prayers, they became prayers to please men- not God.
But slowly i learnt how to pray, i gained the confidence to begin praying out loud in prayer meetings. i begun praying in short prayers, but at least i know the prayer comes from my heart this time. soon, prayer became part of my lifestyle. queit time, church and anywhere really.
And i found it so true, that prayer really works. God really answers prayers.
In this messed up and chaotic place, it's the only thing we can really count on.
'Stop telling God how big your storm is.
Instead, tell the storm how big your God is!'
He's up there, hearing us. :)
p.s: i wrote this post a few weeks ago, never really got a chance to properly post it up.
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