P.S i should ban myself from surfing the net because eventually all the websites i end up looking at are shopping sites and it's not helping when i'm supposed to save.
i have so far not ordered any shoes/heels even though recently i keep having this feeling like i need a new high-heeled shoe y'know?
i admire my self-control lol
okay time to throw those shopping websites out of my window and i'll dig through my wardrobe for old stuff to 're-invent'
I am a vampire and I am looking in the city But the pretty girls don't look at me (don't look at me) Cause I don't have my fangs But I have lost my fangs
wow have been so busy recently, like my days were completely filled up.
sch, dance, home OR sch, work, dance, home OR work, dance, sch, home that kinda things.
different combinations but same things i've been busy with!
sch, dance and work stuff.
actually sch's not so bad only thing i've no time to meet up for other group discussions for out tv commercial proj but at least doreen and i were really really productive today!
we came up with so many ideas that i think we don't have to do TVC already we just do a short film of like 4 minutes and then submit it to the oscars for nomination and we might be oscar-winners in a year's time! OMG doreen let's! we ditch the TVC hehe and move on to bigger things (cough: oscars) :D
or maybe not.
anyway yes have been busy with dance because because because of dance4fund!
wait let me say that again
because of DANCE4FUND whoooooo
it was real fun doing everything. from the dance practices and bus rides home and all the friends made. it felt almost like danzation again :)
in fact, now almost any performance will remind me about danzation hahah ah well.
and uh-huh you can obviously see how deprived of the internet i am,
then i'm taking my first chance at the wireless to blog and that's why i'm like more excited that usual so pardon me. i mean i haven't been able to spend much time at home and even if i do, it's to eat or sleep. i rarely had time to surf the net ah! (okay fine maybe i surfed about once or twice in the wee hours of the morning cors i couldn't keep myself away. joce and hannah can use me as their example for their IS net generation about addiction to technology hahaha)
speaking of IS, our sch's extra elective lesson thingy,
doreen renee and i had our first lecture on self expression from drama and poetry and it was fun 'cors we could explore our surroundings for inspiration and our new teacher has the coolest spanish accent!
like the poem he read to us after class.. he read it in spanish and it was like 'woah WOAH'
if i were to read it, you guys might laugh cors it might sound like a comedy or something equally weird :X that's why i'm not even gonna try!
haha but next semester i'm taking french! the language of romance hehe
and things at home are still a bit tense, because i don't know how the court cases will turn out but i have faith it'd be a positive outcome!
i mean, there's this law that says good things will happen to good people.
it's called the felicia law. like murphy's law but opposite meaning ah.
no? no such law?
well then, there should be!
my dad's bloody innocent and i'll fight for him if i have to but i won't need to cors we will win the cases!
there it's been said!
okay so from the exciting activities you can see from the above, you can tell i'm tired like physically and maybe mentally and all that. but i'm still surviving so thank God for that :)
and you can tell my english is not very proper today but i'm not caring cors i just have this verbal diarearoa now and i'm just putting everything out so thank you for your time and i hoped you didn't give up halfway while reading cors i'm not giving up halfway.
for your time,
a short film called i'll wait for the next one. it's a really good film i suggest you spend 4 minutes of your life to watch it :)
our teacher said that in the end, one of her students shouted 'bastard!' after he watched it lol you'll have to see it to know why. enjoy! <3
To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love.
But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy.
Therefore, to be happy, one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.
camera and lighting effects was in this huge huge green stage that was beyond cool; we have to keep a digital photo journal thing on how we frame our world. i already have a couple of ideas in my head but we all know sometimes what's in our heads may look entirely different altogether when it's in paper. i'm hoping for the best but i've been getting my creative juices flowing with a few good artsy websites! check it ;)
you know how they say when you think about somethign right before you go to sleep- you will dream about it?
i'm gonna dream about my best friends who may turn green in the green room for a website art blog that i may do in the near future, say, 100 years and maybe i'll be someone that makes new things and thinks about them.
Well now, I threw all my burdens up into the sky and God caught them, tucked them away into His pocket, and took me up to fly with Him for a while.
The view up there is amazing.
Everything looked so small down there, and I felt so free.
I now am feeling much better, thanks to all the concerned friends.
Like hui min! Thanks for your msg, I saw it after dance and seeing it made me get filled with love.
In fact, after dance I recieved a few msgs and I don't know why but it made me feel loved haha and so I got high after dance and made a little fool of myself :$
Life goes on for everyone..
Doesn't stop for no body so I'm tryna catch up. Wish me luck!
Oh yes first day was sch was fun and I had a gooood time with my awesome classmates :D
And something wise renee said, don't awaken love until it desires.
working in babyware, i've encountered many different types of love.
the love that a husband and wife share; where two becomes one
the love of a mother and child; and from that one, another is created out of love
so i decided to make this post 2-1-2, that clearly shows 2 becomes 1 producing 2 (mother and child), one about love.
maybe not about marital love because i'm only 18.. but the other kinds of love in this world...
acutally i just happened to notice that while i was typing my beginning, that it's 212 and then i just like anyhow say that i'm dedicating this post to love because of 2 becoming 1 and then having a child which makes 2 again hehe aren't i a genius?
so, sorry to disappoint if you were expecting some form of highly intellectual discussion about love. my mind's kinda dead now and i am supposed to be doing some diy stuff now but instead my butt is glued to the chair, likewise my eyes are glued to the screen and my mouth glued to my mug of ribena. nothing like a lazy sunday huh, wasting precious time away when i could have been saving the world from villians. sorry, mum!
one night when i had my orangey mirror light on, but it was still kinda dark and my pupils opened up wide like the apperture of a cam and so i had total black eyes that night. i'll show you my scary eyes pitcures next time but for now, here're the lousy quality pictures of... who else? me. lol
and sch starts tmrw, i don't know why but i'm nervous. and i've to totally buck up if i ever wish to get into a university after i graduate. and of course, i don't know what to wear! right, i'm off to cut up some t shirts and add more damage to my wardrobe tata my darlings.
* He paused in a moment, cocking his head. 'If I was dying of cancer and in god-awful pain and I asked you to kill me, would you do it?' Allie didn't hesitate. 'Yes. But then I'd kill myself, too.' Cam's mouth fell open. 'Because you'd murdered me?' 'No,' Allie said. 'Because you'd be dead.'
The day I tried to do my lips red, the day I then decided to move on to blue- painting my nails blue, not my lips. The day I decided to make two more rings out of sheer inspiration that struck as I was sitting on the floor gazing at my glue gun.
I hope you like the rings cors I'm gonna be making more and more (when I think of other designs) and I'm thinking of selling these with my bottle cap rings in the selling journal that jying helped me set up.
Would $7/8 be too much?
P.S Pardon the messy photo-shopping lol I only did it at midnight when my mom cut off all internet to try and get us to sleep.
lol i pity ezekiel's girlf not only because she's ezekiel's girl (haha bad joke) but also 'cos she has to listen to his slighty deranged sister who is very very VERY comfortable at home. so comfortable that i can yodel at home and sing chris brown's superhuman and sing like no body's listening.. except ezekiel is sitting right next to me and he's on the phone with his girlf.
so while i was busy crooning my heart out, i overheard a teeny bit of their conversation (i sing so loud cos i don't wanna eavesdrop on my brother's very private and mushy talk on the phone ah! and american idol was on. i've always secretly liked to think i can sing as well as them)
fel: (singing loudly albeit slightly off-key)you change my whole lai-hiveeeee girlf: (don't know what she said) eze: oh that's my sis fel: (still singing)don't know what you're doing to meeee with your lah-hoveee girlf: (don't know what she said) eze: yeah i think she's singing 'superhuman' fel: (realized they're talking about me so i got a bit louder) SUPERHUMAHH-URNNNN girlf: (don't know what she said) eze: no she's not in choir girlf: (don't know what she said) eze: don't know, she's in dance instead
lol i giggled and blushed a bit at the end because i think i just embarrassed myself into the next century omg what if they get married and i meet his girlf and she remembers my singing and all the times when i'll shout hello to her or laugh gaily into the phone because it makes me happy to see ezekiel happy.
i've figured it all out!
during their wedding night when i make my speech, i will defend myself by saying that sometimes in the middle of twilight, aliens would come and abuct me and replace me for the time-being with a singing laughing rambling machine that looks and sounds just like felicia chia. and that those times over the phone when she heard me, was that alien. not me.
then after my speech i shall run out back to the mother ship.
. . . We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.
dance, dance, dance
'kay so i'm not very good at it but i feel v.happy after every dance practice. it feels a bit like going to church. it's like after it's over, i wished it would never end. because we could just go on. because i could just go on, go on, go on.
someone wise said:
The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind you have to convince.
alright here goes;
hey felicia's mind, felicia chia's mind, you can do it. I'm gonna confess it! Because there is power in confession!
I confess that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected :D
specifically.. dance, digital design and those inspiring ideas.
Style comes from knowing who you are and who you want to be in the world; it does not come from wanting to be somebody else, or wanting to be thinner, shorter, taller, prettier.
You are your own muse.