Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Life is but a paradox

When I was 16, everyone told me not to be in a hurry to grow up, but to enjoy my growing years.
Now I'm 18 and suddenly everyone's asking me to think about a job and the future.
I'm stuck. I have so many hopes and dreams about my future.. I'd spent 2 years daydreaming and now it's suddenly time to wake up and actually make it a reality. Too fast, way too fast.
I don't know what to do.
Graphic designer/ script writer/ fashion journalist/ magazine illustrator/ sew crocodile bags.

Right, I take it back. I'm not gonna sew crocodile bags. 
I wish there was an in-between job that combined all my talents into that one specific job.
A job that allows me to write and design, a job related to fashion, a job that lets me get hands-on experience. 
Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind working in the post production part of a movie either. 
Oh gr8. I wish I could do 'em all.

Life is ironic in so many ways.

  1. When you are young, you can't wait to grow up. But when you're grown up, you wished you were young again.
  2. The grass seems greener on the other side but once you get to the other side, you realized it's green with harmful fertilizers anyway.
  3. You always want what you can't have.
  4. The people mind, don't matter. And the people that don't mind, matter.

And the list could just go on.. 

Life is but a paradox 
Paradox is but a life. 

P.S: I had wanted to experiment with film cameras and so I bought a holga and started snapping away but soon after I stopped. This picture was in my last row of pictures taken. It's been what, 6-7 months since I last picked up my holga? My (short) attention span is alarming, tsk. 

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