Friday, July 03, 2009

When life gives you lemon, you make... apple juice!

How where what why?

Just throw the lemon away and pick the apple from the tree luh!

LOL I'm not making much sense here eh, it's like 1 am now and I'm supposed to sleep but gosh stupid facebook is keeping me up with its games. Hate is a strong word but I really really don't like you, facebook. Tempt me only. Resist, felicia!

Right whatever fel. -.-
My phone is currently spoilt so I'm phoneless thus contactless thus MIA thus sorry if I don't reply people's calls or msgs. I'm gonna get a new phone on sun? Eons away, I know. But I'm not really relying on technology now so I feel quite freed-up actually. You should try it, go bang your phone spoil and then buy a new phone only 5 days later. Does wonders to your life. It's zen-like. Returning back to nature and all that mambo-jumbo. I can join the tree-hugging club! 

(I talk to myself when I'm tired lol no idea why. Wait maybe it's cors I become real lame when I'm tired. Like the lame filter switched off and so I sprout out whatever nonsense zzz)

Dance tmrw I'm nervous but please remind me to have the right motive, Father.
Thank you.

I'm not very good at dance, honestly.
But it's all for You, yeah it's all for You!

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