Had been a while since we last caught up, so finally we had a chance to spend some quality time.
Rachel if you're reading this- shopping during the hols! I can't wait for it already haha
I don't know what's up with me and shopping but I just like getting stuff. It's like my anti-depressant. Unhealthy, yes. But I feel better after I buy something new.. Even if it's a cd or something for my dog or a tiny hair clip. Cheap thrills, perhaps. Okay wait, not so cheap sometimes.
Sigh I need to control. And find that happiness else where.
I need to learn how to save, thanks doreen for the advices :)
I will decant hawker coffee into a starbucks cup so I can hang out with you guys if we go to starbucks lol
I think I'm materialistic and superficial and I hate it. I mean, do I really need so much stuff???
No :(
Woke up a few times with sore eyes and they make my eyes all teary the whole day.
Lack of sleep is making me cranky and stoned. Like a zombie. A zombie who snaps at marquis because he ate my tissue paper. (Not that I was gonna eat the tissue paper but he shouldn't have eaten my tissue!)
Yeah, like I said. Cranky.
And I'm not really capable of intellect talks now cors I think I will zone out while you're talking about world peace and I'll be thinking of my soft pillow on my bed which makes me think of my bed which makes me think of diving into it which makes me feel like switching off my phone and annoying alarm clock and just sleeping until the cows come home.. Where was I? Oh yes, I can't talk much sensible stuff unless it's rare moments like dinner with rachel np.
Just read renee's blog;
Hun, let's go studio wu for dance together! I'm here with you and don't be afraid okay? No stress, we'll just be dancing with strangers who love dancing too!
Like what Jyings always tell me;
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