Thursday, December 02, 2004

good news....bad news

Good news.[YAY!]
Yeah! taufik won! can't wait to see his new album out.
after six months of hardwork has paid off for him, but sly...
i guess his okay...they both did swell last night.*clap clap clap*
later on, the vomitting saga continues. almost every hour i have to go.
finally, when my dad came home in the middle of the night, my mom ask him to send me to NUH
when we reached there, had a fever, went to the fever room
waited over two hours to get my 10 minute check-up
by time, was already 2am[while you were sleeping]
doctor examined[press here, press there]
Bad news.[UH-OH]
i have stomach infection!!! ahhh!!!
whew!...gave me a chioce to go home or stay in hospital
recovering now....
ttz all folks

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